The Reason
Hi, I’m Elizabeth.
I am the creator, writer, and self-publisher of Sparrow Kids Ministries. I’m so excited that you are here to hang out with me, and I hope you find resources here that will help you in your ministry. My ministry and yours is not only in our churches, but also in our homes. Please let me know how I can help you as you raise kids to know, love, and serve Jesus Christ. Thank you for your ministry!!
Four Reasons
I have five reasons why I started Sparrow Kids Ministries. Four are pictured below.
Elizabeth’s Babies
These are my own children. I am so blessed to be a mother to three wonderful boys and one girl. I believe that it is our calling as parents and guardians of the children in our lives to raise them to know, love, and serve Jesus Christ. As I raise my own children, I need the help of others in our community. Not only to resource me, but also to speak in to my kids’ lives in places where I cannot.
The fifth reason why I started Sparrow Kids Ministries is because I believe God has called me to it. In the summer of 2002, God called me to pastoral leadership in the Free Methodist Church to minister to children. In 2006, I started the process toward ordination in the Free Methodist Church. I went to Roberts Wesleyan College to pursue a degree in Childhood and Special Education so that I would know how to communicate effectively. In 2016, I was ordained by Bishop David Kendall and Bishop Emeritus Joe James of the Wabash Conference in the Free Methodist Church.
Throughout my journey, the Lord has developed me as a minister and as a mother. I want to share what God has placed on my heart. Will you join me in starting a movement of people who not only wish the best for their kids, but who PRAY the best over them and RAISE them to know, love and serve Jesus Christ?
There are three components to Sparrow Kids Ministries:
1. The Website / The Blog :: This is the place to access the free resources and encouragement for churches and families!
2. The Podcast :: This is where parents can be resourced for ministry in their homes!
3. The Curriculum :: Some of this is free. Most is paid, though, so make sure that you can utilize it in your own particular setting. My curriculum is quite unique in several different ways, so download your free sample before purchasing anything! Curriculum is written specifically for churches who run a large group setting for Elementary-schoolers.
“What is the price of two sparrows — one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it.”
God’s Word is for all people, in all walks of life, for all time. Sparrow Kid’s Ministries has been written with the intention of reaching kids at any place in their Christian journey. Undoubtedly, you have children in your ministry, community, and home who are at different places with God. I have written the Sparrow Kids Ministries curriculum to resource the Church to reach as many children as humanly possible.
Photo by Adam Muise on Unsplash